The World Community for Christian Meditation / Norway

Videos of Way of Peace Dialogue are available at our YouTube channel. His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Laurence Freeman OSB met on 12 January 2013, in Sarnath, India, for a day of Dialogue. They discussed Jesus and the Buddha and what discipleship means in an increasingly secular world.






John Main Seminar 2013


Desert Wisdom & Oriental Spirituality :

Inner Silence

Led by Joseph Wong OSB
Pre-Seminar retreat led by Laurence Freeman OSB
Hong Kong September 16-25, 2013

The practice of Christian meditation taught by John Main can be traced back to the Desert Fathers, in their effort to achieve inner silence and thereby union with God through purity of heart and unceasing prayer. The contemplative-prophetic spirituality of our time is a development from this tradition. Joseph Wong will explore this ancient wisdom, showing its affinity with some Buddhist practices and indicating its contemporary relevance.

Download the flyer












Silent Meditation Retreat - Monte Oliveto. The Cave of the Heart

The 2013 Monte Oliveto Retreat will again bring meditators together
from around the world to the peace of the spiritual home of the
Olivetan Benedictine Congregation in Tuscany

Download the flyer HERE


A retreat for meditators from around The World Community in a sacred place of peace and beauty. Laurence Freeman OSB will talk on the theme of:  "The Cave of the Heart"

Modern life often hardens the heart or depersonalizes the  interactions between people. How can we recover the heart and soul of  human life in a technological world that moves so fast and is so easily hijacked by the negative forces of the personality? In this  year's Monte Oliveto retreat Laurence Freeman will explore the meaning of the heart and the springs of hope, faith and love that are hidden there.  In addition to meditation and a daily contemplative mass,  there will be times for lectio, yoga, community sharing and prayer  with the monastic community."

The retreat is open to all, though it would be very advisable to have some experience of regular meditation before participating in this weeklong silent retreat. Participants commit to the whole week and this is a condition of acceptance on the retreat.

The World Community international retreat at Monte Oliveto Maggiore begins on the evening of the 22 June and concludes on the morning of 29 June. Fr Laurence will lead the retreat on the theme of ‘The Cave of the Heart” with a daily conference and evening contemplative Eucharist.

Wojtek Karczmarzyk will lead daily yoga. This humane, typically Benedictine balance is blessed by the beauty of the setting and the friendship of the monastic community with whose night prayer each day peacefully concludes. The spirit of silence during the day renews the spirit and the evening meal which is a time of relaxation and friendship with retreatants from different countries balance solitude and community.

Travel: Participants will be responsible for their own travel to Italy – either directly to Monte Oliveto, or to Pisa. WCCM will have a bus departing from Pisaairport  at 14.00 hours on Saturday 22 June and returning to Pisa Airport by 14.00  hours on Saturday
29 June (leaving Monte Oliveto at 11.00 hours).

Bus one way £25 both ways £50). Pisa airport is within very easy reach of Florence by direct train. Participants should make their ownarrangements for either getting to Pisa Airport and meeting the bus, or travelling independently to Monte Oliveto to arrive by 17.00 hours. There is a good train network (all timetable information is on the web:, and one can travel south from Florence, or north from Rome to either Asciano-Monte Oliveto or Buonconvento – the local stations. From either of these towns you can get a taxi to Monte Oliveto. Taxi phone numbers will be provided.


Further information from, or +44 208 579 4466 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 


FREE +44 208 579 4466 end_of_the_skype_highlightin








Bilder fra Monte Oliveto juni 2013     



Åse Markussen presenterer arbeidet i Norge under den norske gruppens middag med fr Laurence.




Klosteret ligger vakkert til.




Den norske gruppen hadde møte med fr Laurence.




Samlingssalen i klosterets gjestehus








Bilder fra Monte Oliveto juni 2012








Monte Oliveto Retreat June 9-16 2012


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The Book of the Heart - Stages of Contemplation

The essential nature of the human journey is like meditation: it cannot be analysed or measured. Ends and beginnings meet and cycles of growth make for fresh change and development.  But we need a sense of the journey and its main stages in order to make meaning of our lives and to endure their dark nights.

The theme of this year's Monte Oliveto retreat explores how we can perceive what is happening on the inner journey and how this can bring us to self-knowledge, true personal freedom and the confidence to love.

Using traditional imagery such as the Ars Contemplativa figures at Chartres Cathedral as well as contemporary psychological insights Fr Laurence's talks - together with the unique atmosphere of beauty, peace, silence and community which have come to characterise the Monte Oliveto annual retreat - present a special opportunity to grow in wisdom and peace by understanding what the journey of our life is and what it means.









Regionalt møte i London i mars 2011 for nasjonale koordinatorer fra Nord-Europa



Les referat her



Retreat i 2009


Fr Laurence var i Norge i  juni 2009, da han holdt en forelesning i St. Dominikus i Oslo med tittelen "Meditation in the early Christian meditation. a spirituality for today", med fullt hus og stor interesse. Deretter holdt han en stille meditasjonsretreat for 25 personer i vakre Hedalen på Ildjarntunet. Giovanni Felicioni var med og ledet yoga. Det var vellykket, og flere fra retretten har funnet fram til de ukentlige meditasjonene på Olaf Ryes plass. 


Pater Laurence Freeman og Giovanni Felicioni i Hedalen stavkirke:  



Yoga med Giovanni Felicioni:




En artikkel om retretten og om WCCM står i tidsskriftet Broen 2009 nr. 4- Klikk her og gå til side 10-11.